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Dye testing can resolve basement leak issues quickly and safely


Drain Dye Testing

Laois Jetwash Services Ltd. utilise drain dye testing to discover the precise cause of drain issues in complex cases where other methods of investigation are not possible.
Drainage structures can be complicated and it is not always obvious to determine where a structure drains to. Out-of-date systems can also present their own challenges but dye testing provides clients with a practical solution to overcome these issues.

Drain dye testing is most commonly used to determine where water is flowing from in basement and cellar settings which can be prone to absorbing water. By using drain dye testing, colours can be used to confirm its location.
Our fully qualified and insured engineers use dye testing alongside other cost-effective and proven methods of identifying what is going on in a particular location.

Get in touch with Laois Jetwash Services Ltd. to arrange a pipe tracing service

Drain Tracing

We help commercial and domestic clients locate drains which have become undetectable at ground level by providing a drain tracing service.
Obtaining accurate information and drawings about drains can be difficult and are often incomplete as a result of the existing drainage system being altered or added to over time.

Drain tracing may be required in order to address the following issues:

Gas pipe installation

Cracked pipes

Laois Jetwash Services Ltd. also provide drain tracing services for clients who are looking to complete renovations to their property or who need to complete a drain tracing service at the raaequest of their bank prior to purchasing a property.

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